‘Hand harmonica and accordion instruments for ensemble playing’

Johan de With’s new book will be published in June 2022!


The upcoming second book is about special hand harmonica and accordion instruments for mutual interplay. The texts are mainly provided with images in color. The book was originally created in response to the question of a bass accordionist about the history of the creation and use of her instrument. The book is completely different from Johan’s first book ‘Portable, polyphonic, expressive’, the two editions can be read and studied separately.

The book is divided by time into:

1. The nineteenth century
2. The early twentieth century
3. The later twentieth century
4. The present
5. Source research: about the problems and the various (sometimes very entertaining, sometimes annoying) misunderstandings and blunders that you find.

This is followed by the sections Tone ranges, Time table, Explanation of terms used, Way of converting foreign
characters, Literature consulted and websites, Origin of the images used, Endnotes, and lndex.

There are only 50 BOOKS presale available. The price is € 49,50.


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